Terraform Taint and Terraform Loops
1. Terraform Taint
Terraform taint is a command used to mark a resource in the state file as “tainted.” When you run `terraform apply` next, Terraform will destroy and recreate the tainted resource.
When to Use Terraform Taint?
- Fixing a Broken Resource: If a resource is malfunctioning or needs to be reset.
- Forcing a Replacement: If you want to recreate a resource to apply changes that aren’t directly managed by Terraform.
- Testing Infrastructure: To test how your infrastructure reacts to the recreation of specific resources.
terraform taint <resource_address>
terraform taint google_compute_instance.my_instance
This marks the `google_compute_instance\.my_instance` resource for recreation.
Key Points
- Behavior: Marking a resource as tainted forces Terraform to plan its destruction and recreation.
- State Update: terraform taint only updates the state file, not the actual infrastructure, until you run `terraform apply`.
- Untainting: Use `terraform untaint` to reverse the taint:
terraform untaint <resource_address>
2. Terraform Loops
Loops in Terraform allow you to perform repetitive tasks like creating multiple resources or iterating through data structures. Terraform supports loops using:
- count
- for_each
- for (within expressions)
Using `count`
- Simplest way to create multiple instances of a resource.
resource "google_compute_instance" "example" {
count = 3
name = "debian-cloud/debian-12"
machine_type = "n1-standard-2"
zone = us-central1-a
This creates 3 AWS EC2 instances.
Using `for_each`
- Used for iterating over maps or sets.
Example (Iterating Over a Set):
resource "aws_s3_bucket" "example" {
for_each = toset(["bucket1", "bucket2", "bucket3"])
bucket = each.key
This creates 3 S3 buckets with names `bucket1`, `bucket2`, and `bucket3`.
Example (Iterating Over a Map):
resource "aws_instance" "example" {
for_each = {
instance1 = "t2.micro"
instance2 = "t2.small"
ami = "ami-123456"
instance_type = each.value
This creates 2 instances with different instance types.
Using `for` in Expressions
- Used inside variables, outputs, and locals for transforming or filtering data.
variable "names" {
default = ["alpha", "beta", "gamma"]
output "upper_case_names" {
value = [for name in var.names : upper(name)]
This outputs: `[“ALPHA”, “BETA”, “GAMMA”]`.
Count vs. For_Each
Combining Taint and Loops
If you taint a resource created using a loop (e.g., `count` or `for_each`), specify the index or key:
- With `count`:
terraform taint aws_instance.example[0]
- With `for_each`:
terraform taint aws_s3_bucket.example["bucket1"]
This explains the terraform taints and loops. Please follow for more and subscribe my youtube channel — https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfpf-vjGm_54leJWcAWTiYA.